Make messages Impactful
Build deeper connections
Presentations, Meetings, Coaching
This will act as a foundation building and establish the purpose of this workshop.
Through facilitator’s demonstration, participants will discover the power and impact of storytelling. Interactive discussions, questions, chat responses and polls will enable the leaders to understand and experience the essence of storytelling in the corporate world.
In this session, the facilitator will unveil the myth behind Stories and realities of Storytelling . The leaders will discover the 5 reasons why storytelling is critical for any leader.
Leaders will learn from evidence based research, neuroscience and through cases studies of leading global organizations – that storytelling is far more than just a fad, it is a critical competence for every leader to have,
This session will include a lot of industry specific storytelling examples that would be relevant for the leaders. Each example will encourage an interactive discussion.
The leaders will be prompted to start the story crafting practice as part of this session.
Participants will learn about the Inductive vs Deductive styles that leaders use to communicate.
They will learn, through their examples and with industry examples, TransforMe’s Triple Loop formula for Storytelling.
Through a Guided Process, they will learn the 6 steps to craft a backstory.
Leaders will be then invited to invest time in practicing the application of this formula though a breakout activity. They will work on their “real” work situations in this activity.
The debrief of the activity will introduce them to Pattern 2 of storytelling they would have experienced. They will learn how to use to story to build a personal brand and to introduce themselves, in various contexts.
This session will be highly interactive and participative. Using jam board and whiteboards affinity charts, leaders will share their challenges / perceived challenges in storytelling.
The facilitator will coach the group, through real-time examples and working on their real situations in the workshop – to offer possibilities of how a narrative could be used. The key objective of this session will be to instill and demonstrate possibility of using narratives, in most situations and to enable the leaders to open their minds to the possibility that stories work in various situations.
In this session, participants would deep dive into TransforMe’s Triple Loop Formula and learn how Story crafting works
The Context
The Key Message
The Narrative – WHPI Technique
In this session participants are introduced to the 2 Pillars of Storytelling
1.Telling the Right Story – The 8 patterns
2.Telling the Story Right – The 8 elements
The leaders will understand each of the patterns with relevant examples and will explore examples through discussions.
The facilitator will deep dive into Pattern 1 – Springboard and enable the leaders to learn the process of crafting a springboard story for their real work situation.
Participants will be led into an activity that will require them to pick up a real work situation where they have to influence or inspire an audience or stakeholder.
Using the the Triple Loop Formula, they will work in small groups to work through the 3 levels and craft a relevant narrative. Each group will then join the plenary session and present their triple loop and narrative with the larger group.
In this session participants will be provided feedback and alternate “narrative threads” for their story practice.
At the end of the session, the leaders will be encouraged to “experiment” with their stories before the next session.
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